- 超链接 hyperlink
- 链 chain
- 它是企业供应链的重要组成部分,直接影响企业的资金流。 It is an important component of the supply chain of the enterprises and directly impacts the fund flow of the enterprises.
- 手链 bracelet
- 聚合物链的长度可以用链中重复单元数来表示,叫做聚合度。 The length of the polymer chain is specified by the number of repeat units in the chain. This is called the degree of polymerization.
- 链路 link
- 友情链接 friendly link
- 供应链 supply chain
- 以能够管理您的供应链的单独一家供应商简化您的货运流程 Simplify your transportation and freight processes with a single provider who can manage your supply chain
- 制造业供应链的核心流程及其与其它核心业务流程的关联。 Supply Chain Core Business Process and Relation Between Former and Other Core Business Process.
- 准链的 metafluidal
- 正链的 normal
- 中链的 [化] medium-chain; midchain
- 单链的 single stranded
- 锻链的 wrought
- 多链的 multichain
- 长链的 [化] long-chain
- 双链的 double stranded
- 解链的 melting
- 无链的 chainless